Friday, February 25, 2011

Fashion Trend or Fashion Disaster?: Big Furry Boots

What is that you see on the fall/winter runways? It looks like a woolly mammoth or Big Foot! Wait, no. It’s actually a model in big furry boots. Sounds scary, yes, but at the D&G and Chanel shows, they were anything but. From full on pant and sweater combinations covered in an outrageous amount of faux fur, one thing is certain . . . furriness is in. But does this trend work in real life?

We are not telling you to follow in the footsteps of Karl’s interpretation of animal meets human being (unless you want to be recognized as Chewbacca), but trying on one furry piece at a time, like a pair of furry boot that hits right below the knee, you are sure to make a fashion statement. Pair yours with Fair Isle knits suited for a day on the slopes or channel the original Coco Chanel with a classic tweed jacket. Choose a pair in natural colors like brown, gray, white, or black. Steer clear from anything found in the rainbow or else you’ll look like a 60’s mod dancer (not a good look). If you are going to make a go with this trend, keep everything simple. Fur itself is already overwhelming, and you may have to keep a distance from those hardcore PETA types, so less is always more.

Last but not least, the ability to pull of these boots takes a lot of guts and a nonchalant flair that doesn’t give a care what others may think. Do you have it in you to try this trend, or is it a total no in your book? Let us know!

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