Friday, February 25, 2011

Fall Hair Trend: Black Headbands

Every designer has a hair look that they want to pursue for their runway show, from long and messy strands to teased side parts. But the one hair tend that stood out to us the most was the sleek black hairband that held all the hair off of the face. The look is simple, but extremely edgy, and because of this edginess, many think that they cannot pull it off. Some may say you must have the face shape for it, while others think it makes you look bald, but we think it looks totally chic. Not only is it chic, but also easy and practical enough that anyone can try their hand at it. The Donna Karan and Karl Lagerfeld shows sent models down the runways in shiny black thick banded headbands that were worn right at the hairline. Lagerfeld teased the models hair up high on the top of the head into what looked like a futuristic beehive, while Karan’s models wore their hair in elegantly formed chignons on the back of their heads. The black headband let’s you show off your face and this can really take confidence, especially for girls who take comfort in hiding behind their long, middle parted mane of hippie-inspired locks. A face free of misplaced hair looks fresh, open, and clean (much like fall fashion’s minimalist aesthetic), making the perfect palette to showcase the season’s hottest makeup colors, like a bold red lip. Glossy chili pepper red was worn at the Lagerfeld show while a deep, matte burgundy was worn at Donna Karan. Whichever color you choose, go outside of your comfort zone to really make a statement. Don’t be shy . . . people want to see your beautiful face.

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